Extra Credit #4

Extra Credit #4: 10 points
If you would like to receive 10 extra credit points towards your fourth quiz, listen to the following podcast about the Great Depression, 

Then answer the following questions by submitting your answers through turnitin.

class id: 16086265
Enrollment key: session3

Please do not write the questions in your submission as this causes problems with the originality report.  Also do not copy and paste answers or share answers with classmates and friends.  Both of these actions will result in a zero on the assignment.

1. Why do you think it is more important to listen/read the words of normal people during important moments in history? 
2. What was Benjamin Roth's job? 
3. What was so strange about the stores during the Great Depression? 
4. Why did governments want to go off the gold standard during the Great Depression?  What was the result of there being no money in the economy (Roth says something about peaches)? 
5. Roth's son says that after reading the journals of his father during the Great Depression, that his father said this would help him better understand their clients (the people using them as lawyers).  What does this mean?  What do you think you could learn by reading the journals of your grandparents and parents? 


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